Associate professor of Łódź University of Technology
Title: Telecommunication Structures in Poland – history, Research, Design and Execution
- Civil Engineering Technician – Technical Secondary School of Construction in Pabianice, Poland (1998).
- Master of Science in Civil Engineering – Łódź University of Technology, Poland (2005).
M.Sc. dissertation: “Analysis of additional uploading of steel towers of the Lewandowski type used for cellphone operators in Poland”.
- Ph.D. – Łódź University of Technology, Poland (2011).
Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (defended with distinction); Ph.D. dissertation: “Stochastic analysis and reliability of steel telecommunication towers structures” , promoter: Professor D.Sc. Ph.D. Eng. Marcin Kamiński.
- Habilitation – Łódź University of Technology, Poland (2019).
D.Sc. in Civil Engineering obtained for the publication of a monothematic series of papers “Experimental and computer-based reliability analysis of steel lattice towers” . Key aspects of the monothematic series include: the results of six independent studies (tests) of full-scale steel lattice towers – determining their load-carrying capacity, destructive force and reliability system, and finding ‘weak points’ of the structures; numerical analyses used to find reliability indices for various random parameters of tower structures and pedestrian bridges; and random dynamic analysis with failure likelihood analysis.
Journals in which the results of the research and analyses were published include: Engineering Failure, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Archives of Mechanics, and Composite Structures.
Scientific interests:
Metal structures, dynamics of tall and slender structures, durability and reliability of structures (with focus on determining structural reliability during the lifetime of a structure by means of calculation methods using traditional FEM algorithms, and stochastic methods including the stochastic perturbation method and MSC). Pursuing my interests in this area, I’m a Chairman of ISO/TC 98 Reliability of Structures Committee and also a member of the Section of Structural Mechanics and Materials of Polish Academy of Sciences.
Work history at a higher education institution:
- Assistant– Chair of Steel Structures, Department of Structural Mechanics, Łódź University of Technology (10.2010–04.2011).
- Assistantprofessor– Chair of Structural Reliability, Department of Structural Mechanics, Łódź University of Technology (04.2011–01.2021).
- Associateprofessor– Chair of Structural Reliability, Department of Structural Mechanics, Łódź University of Technology (from 01.2021 to date).
Research projects:
- Manager and principal investigator – research project “Networks Towers Reinforcement Cost Optimisation” – research on steel lattice telecommunication towers concerning six independent structures. Six tests on full-scale structures were done in 2015-2016 and their results have been described, presented, published and commercialized on a continuous basis to date.
The value of financing for the whole project: about 250,000 €.
- Manager and principal investigator – research project “Polyurea coatings as a possible structural reinforcement system”. The project involves laboratory tests of mechanical properties of polyurea, laboratory destructive tests of concrete rings coated with one or more layers of polyurea, and studies on the effect of polyurea layers on the failure mechanism, strength, durability, and general reliability of structural elements.
The approval of the Jury of the “I’ve Got a Start-Up Idea 2020” competition held by Łódź City Hall, Łódź University of Technology, and Lenovo Polska was a key measure of success of the research on this subject. In addition to technical evaluation, the Jury also assessed the implementation potential of the idea, the business model, and the target group. The project was awarded a financial reward and recommended to potential sponsors intending to finance the authors’ concept, which proved that the research results have the potential to be commercialized.
Professional experience:
- Structural Engineer's Assistant – Biuro Projektów Radia i Telewizji (Radio and TV Design Office), Warsaw, Poland (08.2005–06.2006)
- Site Engineer – Compact-Projekt Sp. z o.o., Łódź, Poland (08.2006–10.2007)
- Structural Engineer's Assistant – Compact-Projekt Sp. zo.o., Łódź, Poland (11.2007–06.2011)
- Chief Structural Engineer – Compact-Projekt Sp. zo.o., Łódź, Poland (from 06.2011 to date)
- Building license to design and manage construction works in the construction and building specialty without restrictions, license number: LOD 1465/PWOK/10.
Authorship of a completed original achievement in terms of design and construction – the series of types of steel lattice telecommunication towers which I completed as a chief designer as part of my research activities.
Number of structures designed (as of 04.2021): 578.
Number of structures built: about 250.
Authorship of technical opinions and building survey reports concerning telecommunications infrastructure in Poland – the achievement related to the research project described above.
Number of structures analyzed in 2017–2020: over 450.